Monthly Archives: November 2010

Greber Wants You To Eat Shit

In all of my time as a music blogger/listener/journalist/obsesser, I’ve never come across a band quite like Greber. Normally, a statement like this is taken with a negative connotation, but in this case it is the exact opposite. The brainchild of Marc Bourgon (of Fuck The Facts) and Steve Vargas (of The Great Sabatini), Greber are about as bare-bones as it gets in terms of a lineup. There are two men in the band–a drummer and a bassist–but they make a sonic force worthy of a full band.

Hometown Heroin is the band’s debut release, and a mighty one at that. Clocking in at just under twenty-three minutes, it’s hard to understand how the band managed to fit such a huge amount of content in. Hometown Heroin is certainly not your typical album in any way, and Greber wants this to be known from the very beginning of the album. Starting off with a nice bass harmonic intro, you get the full-on dropkick to the balls that the album soon becomes and understand that Greber are in no way messing around.

At times the album borders on a very doom metal sound, but never becomes grounded there. Once your ear is starting to settle on the slow and sludgy doom sound, the Jacob Bannon-esque powerful barks come back in and the bass and drums kick the intensity up a notch. Frenetic rhythm changes and chaotic barks juxtaposed with relaxed bass grooves make up a large portion of the album, but somehow given only a few small elements the album is never predicable at any moment. Listening through it, it plays more like an extended jam session of one song or idea, expanded into multiple movements.

The thought of “Man, I’d really like some guitar there” does not cross one’s mind at any point during the album. The sonic force and intensity between the drums, vocals, and guitar are more than enough. Any space found on the album is a welcomed rest from the ear, and helps to created a great contrast to really show how massive of a sound Greber has found.

Be sure to check out Greber on MySpace and catch them on tour when they’re near you, as I’m sure their live show would pummel you into the ground. The album is a recommended listen for people who want something along the lines of Black Sheep Wall or Admiral Angry.

As the one-sheet reminds us: “We all need to eat shit sometimes and this band is a reminder to everyone.” So get to feasting on some feces!